Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Week 1

Drink 8 ounces of room temperature water upon rising.

This first challenge will be easy for many but a real challenge for some.  Whichever category you fall into, try to faithfully do this each morning of this new year.  Read the 'Breakfast' article for more details of why this is so good for you.  Involve your whole family, this is a good practice for everyone, except babies who are still nursing.
If you are someone who does not like water, and even worse, room temperature water, give this a try with an open mind.  I have been amazed at the number of people who start off telling me they can't possibly drink room temperature water, at any time of the day, but then after a few weeks they actually look forward to their glass of room temperature water when they get up.  Also that they no longer desire ice cold water during the day, especially in the winter.  I think it takes about three weeks for the adjustment for most people, so be patient as you start this challenge.

Starting your day with a glass of water has many benefits, and it is so easy to do.  First thing in the morning is the time to break your overnight fast.  Your stomach is empty and the water will go directly into your gut, to help cleanse your colon and regularly eliminate food out of your colon.  This overnight fasting and morning cleansing is extremely important to prevent digestive problems and diseases from constipation to colon cancer.  
A few things to work on this week while drinking your water.
1.  Drink out of glass, not plastic.
2.  Drink room temperature or lukewarm water, not cold or iced water.
3.  If you possibly can, drink filtered water, not tap water.
4.  Drink your cup of water before having anything else (including coffee).
5.  Try to wait 15 to 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything more (though you can take your Probiotic with your water if you don't have much time in the morning - I will do a post of the need for good bacteria in your gut soon).
Put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror or bedside table or refrigerator to remind yourself to drink your water.  It is a great habit to develop. 
Advanced Challenge for those already drinking a cup of water upon rising:
Choose a set time each day and drink a glass of water.  Perhaps select 2:00 or 3:00 p.m., during your afternoon slump when you are tempted to have an unhealthy snack.
If you haven't yet or are just beginning the weekly challenges, please be sure to read the posts under Weekly Challenge - In Advance

The waterfall photo above is taken at Silver Falls State Park in Oregon.  Fresh, clean, sparkling water - an awesome gift from God.
"He turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs"  Psalm 107:35


  1. I started doing this challenge last year. When I forget my water, I feel the difference! Thank you for helping to raise my awareness of what I eat and to add healthy habits to my diet.😊

  2. That is awesome! Thanks for letting me know.
