Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Spring Butter

Does what animals consume affect the quality of food that comes from them?  You bet.  That is why buying the best quality ingredients that you can is so important to your health.  That is also why eating foods in season is so important to your health.  Health is dependent upon living and eating according to the rules set up by God in nature.
Above is a photo of butters that I have made from my fresh, raw milk.  The one on the left, which I have in my freezer, is from this winter (February).  The one on the right I made this morning (May).  It is a much deeper yellow color because the grass that the cows are now eating is green.  This deep yellow spring butter is the healthiest - filled with vitamins and anti-oxidants.  In the 1930's, Weston Price realized the importance of spring butter and health when he studied the diets of the healthiest native people groups around the world.  Dr. Price clearly documented the link between top quality foods and excellent health.  

However, the knowledge that the deep yellow color of spring butter is 'healthy' was known before Weston Price investigated healthy native diets in the 1930's.  The food industry by the turn of the century was artificially trying to produce spring butter year round.  The interesting bit of information above states that in 1904 it was already widely recognized and accepted to artificially color butter to make it look like healthy, spring butter.  This documentation is from a Supreme Court case in 1904 concerning taxation of margarine artificially colored to look like butter (the artificial coloring was not in question, just the amount of tax that could be collected). It states that butter was artificially colored because "the taste of consumers of butter in the United States required all butter to possess the deep color naturally belonging to butter made in the spring season".
The government and big business cannot be blamed for the poor quality man-altered foods that are now available.  As shown in the proceedings from this court case, American consumers wanted the best quality all the time, not only when available in season.  Wanting to sell products and maximize profits, the food industry developed artificial colors and flavors to provide what 'appeared' to be the best quality year-round for butter and eventually all of our foods.  The prime products of the season were 'created' and then were made available throughout the whole year. 

Not only are these man-altered products nutritionally inferior, artificial ingredients are toxic to human bodies (not recognized as food) and require additional nutrients to neutralize them and eliminate them from the body.  Even worse, the conditions in which animals are raised were allowed to deteriorate to a point where 'healthy' foods are never produced.  Unfortunately, with the artificial doctoring of the foods, no one knows by just looking at the food.   
Artificially producing food, man-altered food, does not provide the nutritional foundation that God's foods in season do and which are essential to maintain health.  Butter and eggs are two foods that one can easily see the change in quality with the seasons.  While I have mentioned eating produce in season - think about eating all foods in season.  Eggs and fresh milk are abundant in the late spring and thus great additions to your diet at this time after completing an annual early spring detox (but only if you have found a local source of good quality eggs and milk).
Quality, quality, quality.  God has given us quality foods and we need to follow God's plan eating foods in the right season and growing/raising our foods naturally.  Man cannot make/alter nutritious foods that will nourish our bodies; man can only create poor quality imitations.  Don't be fooled and deceived.

"We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us."  1 Corinthians 2:12

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