Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Weekly Challenge - Week 2 (1/8/2013)

Eat a piece of fresh fruit each day.


I hope this is pretty easy for everyone.  I think the biggest problem is consciously buying the fruit and remembering to eat it.  Speak victory with this challenge and praise God for the many delicious fresh fruits He has given us!

A few things to think about when enjoying your fruit this week.

1.  Following the 'break fast' advice, eat your fruit 15 to 30 minutes after you have had your glass of water in the morning.

2.  Eat fresh fruits (and vegetables) that are in season.  Thus your daily fresh produce selection with vary throughout the year.  (The raspberry photo above is from my garden last June.  Fresh picked raspberries off the bush are extremely delicious.  Raspberries are not in season right now, but what wonderful mouthwatering memories this photo holds for me.)  Though you may be wondering what is in season, it is easy to learn and it won't take you long to become an expert.  Right now, oranges, grapefruit, pears, and kiwis are some of the fruits currently in season.  Apples and bananas are also available.  If you are diabetic, pick a fiber rich fruit, one that has edible skin or seeds such as a pear,  apple, or kiwi.

3.  Buy organic when you can, especially for the most contaminated fruits and vegetables.  Each year a list of the worst and the best fruits and vegetables is compiled. Testing is done on a number of samples to see which produce items contain the most and which contain the least pesticide residue.  If you can't afford or find organic, try to choose those produce items that are least contaminated.

4.  Learn to eat your fruit (whether first thing in the morning or later in the day) before other foods on an empty stomach for best digestion. 

I will be providing more information and tips for the above suggestions later this week.

Advanced Challenge for those already eating a fresh piece of fruit after their water in the morning:

Have a second piece of fresh fruit for an afternoon snack.

If you are just beginning the weekly challenges, please be sure to read the posts under Weekly Challenge - In Advance.

"When they reached the Valley of Eshkol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs." Numbers 13:23  


  1. I've been enjoying my clementine cuties lately. Boost in Vitamin C and well, they are yummy and easy to peel. Sorry, no organic - yet.

  2. Have had some great kiwis yesterday and they are yummy mixed with my yogurt and nuts. I didn't know however that I could eat the skin of a kiwi (LOL).

  3. LOL - oops that should be edible skin OR seeds. I will fix that - thanks!
