Sunday, February 3, 2013

January 2013 Class - Mango

Hands-on Demonstrations:  Fresh Fruit Options, Part 4


When the boys were young, I decided to try new fruits and vegetables, buying and eating what looked good and was in season.  That is when I first bought a fresh mango.  I had no idea what to do with the first mango that I bought.  But I am so glad I decided to branch out from my standard fruits and learn, because I love mango smoothies and mangos are a nutrient rich fruit containing numerous vitamins and minerals.  I hope you learn to enjoy them too.

I buy both organic (as shown in the photo) and conventional mangos.  Look for ones that have a nice red blush and that are not rock hard.  Wash the mango and then peel off the outer skin.  I use my carrot peeler after cutting off a slice at the end with a knife.  You could use a small knife to cut off all the skin instead, but I waste less of the fruit using the carrot peeler. 

Next start slicing off chunks of the fruit.  Keep slicing until you get to the hard seed in the center.

You can eat fresh mango or put chunks in a salad.  My family loves to use mango in smoothies.  A regular favorite in our house is my mango banana lassi.

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