Thursday, September 26, 2013

Healing Soup Lunch When Feeling Under the Weather


This is perhaps the most important lunch to have available to pack up, especially during the school year as germs are spread around and it seems that everyone is sick.  It is a good plan to weekly make homemade broth and a batch of healing chicken soup during the fall and winter months.  You can keep portions of soup (and biscuits) in the freezer, so they are available when needed for a lunch.
At the slightest sign of a cold, flu, or stomach bug coming on, it is critical to watch what is eaten.  Absolutely no sweets of any kind and no cold drinks, not even ones with natural FoodsbyGod ingredients.  Sweets feed cold germs and your body will be hampered and not be able to ward off the illness.  Gut health is also very important, and the healing chicken soup with homemade broth is the best way to heal one's gut.  Also stick with room temperature water or herbal teas when fighting as illness. 
Be sure to have a wide-mouth thermos on-hand in your house (or multiple ones if you have several children).  When packing something hot, while heating up the food to pack for lunch, boil some water and fill the thermos with hot water.  When the soup or other food is hot, pour out the hot water and immediately fill with the hot soup and screw on the lid of the thermos.  If you pre-heat the thermos in this manner, the food will stay hot until lunch time. 
Typically when one is not feeling great, one's appetite is diminished.  Listen to your body and teach your children to do the same.  Eat a light lunch and drink plenty of room temperature water throughout the day.  If I were not feeling great, I would not pack up much for lunch (as shown in the photo).  The thermos of soup and a few whole grain sweet cream biscuits would be plenty. 
Taking precautions like this can save you time and money, allowing you to avert an illness.  However, this is a delicious lunch even if you aren't feeling sick!  Leftovers soups and stews for lunch are great choices, especially as the weather turns cooler.  I would then add a fresh raw veggie and fruit to my lunch (remember to eat the fruit first).  An excellent lunch option - enjoy!

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