Monday, May 13, 2013

Twists and Detoxing

Gentle twisting exercises are great to release toxins when detoxing.  During the April Class, I demonstrated a very simple twisting stretch that most everyone should be able to do.  Give it a try.  When the class participants tried this, they were all amazed how good it felt.

When doing twisting exercises, be sure to drink lots of water to flush the toxins that are released out of your body.

To do this twisting stretch, sit sideways on a straight-back hard chair.  Bring your arm closest to the back of the chair, up over your head and grasp the furthest edge of the chair with that hand.  With your other hand grasp the other side of the chair back.  Gentle twist at the waist, looking in the direction you are twisting.  Hold for 30 seconds to a couple minutes. 

Switch to the other side of the chair, and repeat in the other direction.  Try to keep your knees together (the top photo shows the correct knee position, and this lower photo the incorrect knee position).  This ensures that you are twisting at the waist and not the hips.

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