Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Weekly Challenge - Week 19 (May 7, 2013)

Review, refocus, renew.

This week, please go back through all of the weekly challenges, and read all of the information in the basic posts.  It is easy to slip off track and back into old eating patterns and habits.  If you have been following the blog and weekly challenges, you have come a long way this year!  Please use this week to review and recommit.  If you have gotten busy this spring and drifted, don't be discouraged or feel you are behind.  Use this week to get back on track. 

If you are working on changing your diet to 100% God-made foods, once you cheat once or twice, the addictive quality of man-made foods and ingredients can draw you back into the typical American diet.  If you have been doing well following the weekly challenges, you might be feeling better and thus you might not see the negative effects of the man-made foods right away, especially if the things that have snuck back into your diet are sugar and stimulants.  These will, in fact, give you a temporary lift and give you more energy, enticing you back. 
Spring is a wonderful time of the year, usually an energizing time of the year for me.  I spend more time outside and less time in the kitchen cooking.  But there is also many more fresh fruits and vegetables available to enjoy.  Buy them, use them, make simple dishes.  And don't forget that you must plan in advance - don't forget to make your meal plan
Your efforts will pay off in the long term but you must spend the time and energy upfront learning and using this new knowledge.  Take this week to review what we have covered this year so far, refocus your efforts, and renew your commitment.
May God bless your efforts abundantly,

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